Sunday, December 12, 2010

Running races is an addiction I need a Meeting

Hello my name is Victoria Pon and my last race was on Dec.11th 2010. Its been one day since I last ran in a race. ok all kidding a side I swear this was a tough race for it only being a half marathon. let me say I decided to sign up for the Summit Rock race in San Born Park right after a run with friends when we were all feeling a natural high after a great trail run. Some one threw out the idea of running this race and we all said ok! to my own surprise I said ok to Janine's suggestion to run the half. only four of us out of 10 or so people did the half portion where the others signed up for the 10k.

All smiles before we start

On the race course I truly had no real understanding how hilly this race would be. It was all up hill until the turn around and all down hill except for mile 8 which was up hill on the way back. There was many moments I questioned my own ability to run or walk. There was one moment I remember when I was coming back down and I had mentally quick this race and stopped on the trail where the sun was breaking through and I was alone because my running buddies had ran a head. I stood still in the sun light to feel the warmth of the sun and said a small prayer to finish. It was a moment I wont forget because I truly was exhausted and ready to just quit. I found it so hard to believe I wanted to quit because it was a half but it felt like I was doing a full marathon. Once I opened my eyes I started to run and find my friends.
When I found my buddies we made a pack to finish together and spit out all our curses before we crossed the finish line. we were soooo tired and ready to finish. when we finally reached the finish line, Janine, Cortney, Ilya and I held hands high and crossed with the crowed cheering us on. It was a rewarding finish for sure and I am so glad I finished and with my friends.
Many are saying they are done with trail racing because of this one. For me I am not but I will say I probably wont sign up for the Summit Half marathon any time soon. It was hard but because I finished and survived with out a fall like many of my friends I am less scared and busied. So heres to the future trail blazers!
Beautiful trail we ran through.