Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Yes I am OK! Just taking a walk break

just before we started our race 

Robin and Mary our tag buddies 
Today I ran rock and Roll half in San Jose and it was a blast. my goal was to listen to my body and not over do it and to stick to my run walk system of 2 mins run and 2 mins walk. My friend Maria from work also ran with me and it was her first 1/2 marathon . I knew if I ran with Maria who was a newbie at this would keep me at a good pace. Not once during this race did I feel out of breath or extremely tired. I did start to feel sore in my legs and butt (why who knows) and Maria and I stopped a few times to stretch. The whole time I keep thinking wow this is easy I love this pace and I dont care if people pass me. I did see many friends on the side lines and in the race that I got to thank and cheer on. Around mile 2 or so we ran into my friend Robin and Mary and played tag with them until mile 8 or so. The best part was the cheering from my friends on the sidelines such as Stan who was one of my coaches two years back who cheered me on. The next cheer group was my awesome TNT peeps who were loud and crazy with their cow bells which were at mile 5 or so and they just gave me energy to keep going and to keep my friend Maria going to.
cow bell crew Jen janine and leah but many others not here
approaching mile 12 

As we continued on I started to see more TNT peeps and they looked at me with this strange look and with out words asking "why are you way back here? and why are you walking so much?' finally a good TNT friend Sue ran by my side and said "hi Victoria how are you ? are you doing alright?" with such concern I couldnt hold my secret anymore I shared with her "well I am taking it easy because I am 12 weeks pregnant!!!" I got this big hug from Sue and yet again great support from my awesome friends. I loved sharing my friends with Maria and showing her what it means to run in a race with great support. The next funny look I got was from my friend Mike Z who asked "are you OK?" I laughed and said "yes I am just taking a walk break" I was so surprised with myself and how well I was feeling and good thing too because my friend Maria needed all the support I could give to push her to finish.

mile 10 looking strong 
Around mile 10 my running buddy Maria was feeling the miles and was falling behind but I kept our pace and cheered her on to keep it up. I was so proud of Maria and her will power to keep going. Once I reached close to mile 12 I saw my crazy friends again , the cow bell team and they gave me that boost of energy I needed to keep going. My friend Sue who was out supporting joined me for the next mile or so and ran with me while I cheered every so often to Maria who was falling behind to keep going. Finally we got to the last mile and I was met with my good luck charm Coach Tim who has been there for almost all of my races and once again I shared my secret with him since he knew of Scott and I's struggle to get pregnant. I got a great big hug and encouragement to finish. I Told Maria to run a bit more and she did until we hit the alameda and Maria looked as if she was done. I could have kept running but I wanted to run Maria into her first 1/2 marathon finish so I made a deal with her. The deal was we can walk until we get to the left turn to the finish and then we are going to run in and finish strong. Maria was not looking like she wanted to run when we got to the turn. I grabed her hand and said lets go! I cheered her into the finish shouting " you got this Maria, your a strong mama you can do this, reach deep and push forward almost there" needless to say we finished strong and we celebrated Maria's first Half with a big hug . It was the best moment to be at and I was so proud of my friend Maria and myself.

we finished
Our time wasnt my personal best but its a record to break for Maria and I am proud of that. we finished in 3 hours and 17 min and 10 sec. Now its time for me to slow done hang up my race shoes and pick up some baby booties and grow my baby. until next season run buddies I will see you on the sidelines cheering you on.