Wednesday, April 18, 2012

She has arrived!!! welcome to the world Alexandria Meilin Pon

Alexandria Meilin Pon
born April 10, 2012 at 11:29 am
6lbs 13oz 18 inch long 
It has been a while since I have written a blog and since I have a moment while my little one sleeps I figured time to write.  My last blog was about my final race before I took a sabbatical but then got a chance to run in the Nike Women Marathon a few weeks later I ran that and then stopped racing.  All through out my pregnancy I continued to run until about 6 months and after I couldn't run anymore I continued to go to the gym and work out all the way up until Alexandria was born.  I think because of my exercise and staying  on track with what the doctors asked and watching as much as I could what went in my mouth I had a pretty good pregnancy.  

daddy, mommy and baby!

The road to giving birth to Alexandria didn't have many bumps but the major one was Alexandria being in the breech position at 36 weeks and because of this a natural labor was out of the question and a c-section was needed.  many advised me to have her turned by doctors or try alternative medicine.  I opted not to have baby turned by doctors due to high risks and it didn't sound right.  I did try alternative medicine such as chiropractic care and muscle and pressure point therapy.  Of course nothing worked and Alexandria stayed breech and the c-section was scheduled for April 10th 2012.  

Me, Alex and Dr. Kimberly Lee

I was  blessed to have my doctor perform the surgery and it to go so smoothly.  I was told by so many people how rough c-sections could be and what will happen.  I was very thankful to know all this and mentally prepare for the c-section.  I prayed for comfort and the strength to do this and God truly answered.  My c-section was to me easy! no vomiting, no allergic reaction to the epidural, and it was only 1hr and 15 mins total.  My husband was by my side and together we waited to hear our baby cry.  as we waited for Alex to come to this world Scott talked to me to get my mind off the surgery (since I was awake for the c-section) we talked about the races I would do, and where I will run next.  while we talked Alex was born at 11:29am on April 10th 2012 and came out with her arms in the air as if she finished a race, just like her mommy would do after all her races.  Alex weighted in at 6lbs 13oz and 18 inch long.  

we stayed at the hospital for about four days and then took our baby home.  since I had a c-section my recover is a little longer then a normal labor would be.  since our home is two stories I am to stay downstairs and not climb them until about 2 weeks after the c-section.  so we moved downstairs and are learning how to care for a infant.  It continues to be a learning curve but my natural instincts as a mother has kicked in and moving right along.  Scott as well is learning but so happy to be a daddy and I have enjoyed watching him love on our daughter.  
while we learned how to care for our infant my grandmother Elida Yebra (my mom's mom) discovered an infection and kidney stones and along with that had a mild stroke the day after Alex was born.  So many family members ran to grandma's side and I was stuck and couldn't share my blessing with her until grandma got better.  after much prayer and a long hospital stay for grandma she was released to go home and return for potential surgery for the kidney stone removal possibly later this week.  needless to stay grandma is getting better and staying strong and she will get to see her great grand baby!
Great Grandma Yebra finally meets Alex
Alexandria Meilin is a blessing from above and has been prayed for before conception and is loved.  God is good and with out Him none of this would come to be.  Thank you family and friends for your support, love and care.  

Psalm 139:14
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.wonderful are your works; my soul knows it well."

The Pon Family