Sunday, September 26, 2010

My final run along California coast

What a beautiful place to run along the coast in Monterey! I was so blessed to have great friends at my back and a scenic route before me. Each step I took along this 13 mile training run was a reflection of how far I have come from day one of ever running. I glared at the ocean which went on for miles and back at my friends as they laughed and cheered me on ward. I had the best time on this run and I must say it was by far the most fun I have had on a run in a long time. I must mention my husband was there to support me and my team by helping at a water stop and his support always means a lot to me on these runs.

Fun group of buddies at my back

This will be my second to last post before I Toe the line at the Royal Victoria race in Canada and would like to ask you all to please send names of loved ones you would like me to run for. Every year I ask because these names bring me inspiration and strength when I run my marathons. Even if its the same name form last year send it in.

I want to thank all of you who have given to my fundraising efforts this year and if you haven't and would like to please do so today! I am soooo close to my personal goal of $3000 I need a near $100 to reach it!!!

Until next time ; Go Team!
Look at the view!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

20 miles at Natural Bridges

Wow I am so glad I have finished my 20 mile training and now my mileage will go down as I prep for my marathon in October. Today going into this run I had nothing on my mind just "lets get this over with". Sue Funk joined me again for this run and it was great to have a partner for half of the run. I say half because Sue wasn't feeling well and had to turn around at mile ten. I on the other hand was feeling great and running strong until I got to mile 13. once I reached mile 13 I knew I have another 7 miles to go. I had no idea how I was going to finish this and continued my running pace I needed to meet my time goal of 3hrs and 30mins.

As I pushed myself I dug deep with in as I usually do and again I laughed because the last time I was at Santa Cruz with my sister she didn't have fun. My sister Alex had such an attitude at times and would let you know it if she didn't want to do something. so reaching into my memory bank I remembered when Alex wasn't so happy with our trip to the beach one time and as I was running today I could hear my sister saying "your on your own with this run, I didn't like it here before and now look at you running 20 miles and hating it good luck with that" I smiled and thought yeah she would say that. I ignored the thought and looked at what I loved! This run is mine today, I love the beach but my sister didnt love it like I do. In a way my sister told me to run this 20 miles for myself because I have come to love running.

Needless to say I finished my 20 miles with in 3hrs and 35mins.! and if I consider the marathon distance I just might make my goal of 4hrs and 30 something minutes with 26.2 miles. whoo hoo 4 more weeks before race day!

(The trail I ran along for about 8 miles)

Thanks again for all your support in this I am just $600 away from my goal of $3000. Together we can make a difference and stop cancer donate today !

My running buddy sue on the right and friends along the way on the left!