Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Runner's Journal entry

Lets do this!

Its been a while since I last wrote here but here I am. A lot has happened since my last race as well. This recent race I ran , The Jungle Run in Los Gatos was suppose to be a great run full of fun. Well let me just say it wasn't.

Lets back up a bit into the reason why I chose to run this Jungle Run. A few months back I experienced some personal set backs and it truly rocked me emotionally and physically to the point I didn't want to run. I love to run and when I stop running and wanting to, there is a problem. I wasn't in the right frame of mind and was struggling. Struggling to find myself again and have faith God can move mountains and me. There were people there who pulled me along and encouraged me during this struggle but it was me and only me who was going to push myself forward. It took courage to say I need help and my loving husband was there to ask me "what do you want to do?" my reply "I want to run and do a race" Scott "then run, race, sign up for what ever you need to get back to yourself".

I knew I needed time to just sit and wait and once I was done feeling sorry for myself I got off the couch and ran. I picked the Jungle Run because it was the only one where I had to quickly ramp up my miles and run to prepare for a half marathon in a few short months from May. I trained and prepared for this suppose easy run. Little did I know it would be an up hill battle the whole way just like my personal struggle.

I will wave hi now cuz im finishing.


When race day arrived I felt unsure but ready to run. I chose to do a run walk ratio of 4minute run and 1 min walk . The first Hill I took easy and it felt great but come mile 6.5 I saw how much slower I got and how heavy my legs felt; I knew this was gonna hurt. The race was quiet and everyone seemed focused. There was no crowds to cheer you on and all I had was my own demons discouraging me.

Once I realized this race is not going to be a personal record for me I changed focus and pulled from deep inside of me to push me forward. I felt alone and then told myself you are not, there are people waiting for me to finish, people running cheering me on, and God is there with me the whole way. My angles in Heaven were there too whispering "GO we are here". So I kept going all the way to the finish. clocked in at 2hrs and 20min, not my fastest time nor my slowest but its completed and now on to the next thing. Rest :) and then more running :)

This race was about healing for me and pushing away myself doubt and greatest fears. At my last church service we attended I took away one thing "GOD IS GREATER THEN MY BIGGEST FEAR" Whatever is next for me I know I need not to fear for God is there with me.

Im carrying my medal because I am

too tired to put it on.

Oh the joy of an ice bath :(

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