Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Double Digit miles!

Wow its been a while huh? I have been hearing from many of my friends about previous blogs I wrote and how inspiring they are. Really? well I guess I better get blogging....

This past weekend I finished a 10 mile run with my run buddy Jen Ibarra who is a great partner.  She listens to me complain and whine about whatever comes to me.  Since it has been two years I am a little rusty at preparing for long runs.  sure I have done a few half marathons since I had my baby, but nothing can compare to full marathon training.  Even though its 10 miles which I have done before for my half's, this ten miles doesn't mean my taper (slowing down before your race day) is near, it means the big long, time consuming miles, 14, 16, 18, 20!!! miles are coming.  Now I have to think twice about what I eat,what I drink before training, and during the week. 

Not only is the training tough at times so is the fundraising. I raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I have to raise $3500 in order to get to my marathon in Chicago.  Sure I could have gone on my own but that's not the point.  The point is while I run its my time to reflect on the world around me and how I can make it better and for me its funding cancer research.  Everyone has their call in life, some go to the far ends of the earth and preach the Gospel, others manage big businesses, while others stay at home and raise their babies.  I am a teacher and love it, I am a wife and blessed with a baby but all this can vanish in a day when cancer comes calling. I lost my sister to cancer and know the pain it has on a family.  

So I run! I run long distances and think happy thoughts and PRAY. Oh yes I pray! Some times for myself but mostly for all the people I know and have heard about. I ask God to help me be the light and today that light is directed on the ugly cancer that is in the waiting for its next victim, but I will not let it have a chance. I want to fundraise as much as I can to help those researching and making great leaps and bounds to find the best treatments and ultimately the cure. 

I look at my family and thank God for them every single day because each day is a gift.  I run for them and I run for YOU! please consider donating to my efforts.  if you have thank you, and if you could pray for the needed funding that would be great too! Click on the link to donate today. 

We Are Blessed 


Anonymous said...

So happy to be running with you again! We're going to have such a great marathon :).

Victoria said...

I truly believe we are Jen!