Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another Marathon!

Ahh, I am addicted to running which causes me to participate in crazy races like the Napa Marathon in this coming March. People have heard I am running in another marathon and they say"so your running in another marathon?" my reply is not an excited one, not because I don't like it but because I know the training that is involved in preparing for a marathon. But once I put all my running gear on and head out the door on my run days and I have run about 3 to 4 miles I smile because I then feel the excitement of pushing myself and moving along the trails. I love the accomplishment I make every time I finish a short or long run. Nothing beats knowing you just finished a tough, easy or short run because I know what it takes to be a runner. It takes not only consistency in training but determination to finish any race and a whole lot of heart. Oh and it takes someone saying "come on you can go father..." Thanks my TNT buddies you all continue to challenge me and keep me running.

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