Sunday, December 21, 2008

13.1 mile training run

wow I did my best time ever for a half marathon distance. I clocked in at 2 hours and 9 min! it was so not easy since I didn't do my usually run walk routine and only took about 4 stops to stretch and take some GU. My legs hurt for the rest of the day but the next day they were fine. but as I said before it was lonely out there all on my own and I think I will have Scott meet me on some parts of the trail. I did get a bit spooked when I kept seeing the same group of guys along the trail but I was comforted to see a lot of other people on the trail too who were running. I always carry my phone and stay where I can be seen plus someone always knows I am out on the trail.

My next long distance I hope to do is a 15 miler! lets see if I can do that one and this time it will be with a walk run routine.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Ten Mile run

I ran 10 miles this last Saturday and I did pretty well and finished in about an hour and 37 min. that's about a 9:40min mile. I did alright since I didn't carb up the day before but to say the least I did great. I look forward to the next big mile runs and see how well I can hold up this fast pace. The next big long run I hope to do is a 13 mile one and I want to run the whole time with no walk breaks as I have done for the last long runs.

During my ten mile at about mile 8 just when I was heading home my ipod shuffle stopped working and I had no tunes to run to for the final home stretch. Yeah it was too quiet so my pace slowed down since I didn't have anyone to talk to or anything to listen to. That's the one down side to training on your own for races is the lack of a buddy to run with. I am hoping Scott will catch up with me so he can at least run with me when I run my six mile routine runs every other weekend.