Sunday, December 21, 2008

13.1 mile training run

wow I did my best time ever for a half marathon distance. I clocked in at 2 hours and 9 min! it was so not easy since I didn't do my usually run walk routine and only took about 4 stops to stretch and take some GU. My legs hurt for the rest of the day but the next day they were fine. but as I said before it was lonely out there all on my own and I think I will have Scott meet me on some parts of the trail. I did get a bit spooked when I kept seeing the same group of guys along the trail but I was comforted to see a lot of other people on the trail too who were running. I always carry my phone and stay where I can be seen plus someone always knows I am out on the trail.

My next long distance I hope to do is a 15 miler! lets see if I can do that one and this time it will be with a walk run routine.

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