Monday, January 19, 2009

My final long run before Kaiser Race

Well I ran 13.1 miles to see where I am at and how I want to run the kaiser race. I ran a 6:1 ratio with this long run and had a good run and pretty good time but not the best I came in at 2hr and 14min. While on the trail I ran into an old running buddie and asked how she was doing and found out she is training for a 20 mile race in Big Basin, and I think to myself "um do I want to run that? Nah! why I like my half marathon runs". I wished her luck and said we should run together on our long runs. will see if we do or not.

on to the rest of the run today and enjoyed it with the sun shinning and a cool breeze blowing, it was great and its winter! I know we need rain but I love the weather when its warm. I finished my run and enjoyed a long bath to help my sore legs. alright that's it for now and I will up date you all when I finish my Kaiser 1/2 marathon come Feb 1st! yeah I love the challenge and the sight of other runners with race bibs on its the best!

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