Sunday, February 8, 2009

My fastest 1/2 marathon time!

wow! even with a little voice and recovering from a cold I beat my last years time by 7 minutes! Last year I ran the Kasier 1/2 marathon in 2hr :14min but this year I came in at 2hr :7 min! I ran the whole way and watched my speed and made sure I didn't push myself until I saw the finish line.

During the whole race I kept thinking " am I really doing this? can I really run this whole thing with out a walk break? I think I can, I know I can, I have trained myself to do this very event." I saw my past coaches and teammates along the route such as captain Steve, Mike at the end of the race and Simone toward the finish. Best of all I had two great people cheering me on at the beginning, middle and end of my race and those two people were Gabby ( a person I mentored in the summer who is awesome) and of course my man Scott. what a team! I saw them at mile 6 I believe and they were so proud to see me making great time and I nearly fell at the excitement when I saw them and thought I hurt my ankle in the process. I ended up tripping on a small pot hole but didn't hurt myself too bad and managed to keep a good pace.

I felt so good to have run in at 2hr:07 minutes and was so excited to share that moment with my friend and my love Scott. Many have asked what the next race is and I am not sure yet but I think it will be a relay race in early May. Anyone want to join me?

Gabby is in the red coat, the picture of the crowd see if you can spot me, the last picture is of me finally sitting down after the race.

1 comment:

Gabby said...

Wow, I didn't know I had crazy witch hair that day. Scary! I knew I should have put it in a pony tail.
Anyway, enough about me. Congrats on PRing! You rocked it!