Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Relay here I come... well almost

Alright its been a while since my lost post but what can I say I am planning a wedding you know :)

So as far as the training is going I am doing well for preparing for a relay this May 2nd which is in about three weeks. I have hills I will be running on during this relay but am I preparing for those hills? NO why am I not preapring for those hills? cause I Hate hills! Just the other day my running buddy Gabby tells me as we are running up a baby hill and says to me " oh Victoria we need to get you to train on more hills so you can move quicker up them" my answer " yeah I know I really should but do I? no unless I have someone to push me" I know Gabby will push me to train on hills as we get closer to the TNT season, oh joy.

As for the wedding planning we are checking off our list and getting stuff done. I am so proud of me and Scott we are working as a team and making room for what really counts " what we want and not what everyone else thinks we want" hmm go figure people hear you are getting married and you think they were when they start talking about what we should do. ah well in the end it will be beautiful and me and Scott will tie the knot!

until next time .... I will update you all as the season goes on

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