Friday, May 1, 2009

Pat's Run

me and Gabby waiting to start Hugh and Scott

I know I know a bit late since I am running in a relay race this weekend and will probably be late with that update as well. anyways I ran in the recent Pat's run on April 25th along with my love Scott and Gabby with her hubby. we started out the race all together but it didn't take us long to lose each other. me and Gabby of course took off and I tried to stay with in eye shot of Scott but failed. While me and Gabby ran we got to see some awesome people such as a fire dept. running together and shouting songs to keep each other motivated.

As for Scott he ran with Gabby's hubby for about a mile and then left him when Hugh (Gabby's husband) couldn't run anymore due to his foot hurting. Once me and Gabby finished our race we told each other we could so run more! we waited at the finish line for our guys and cheered when we saw Scott run in! I was so proud of Scott knowing he had a soccer game the night before this run would really be hard for him.

All in all we had a good time and ran for a good cause !

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