Saturday, June 20, 2009

ugh why am I so slow

Today before meeting up with some people from the Team in Training newbies Gabby and I ran 2 miles. Gabby and I are planning to run the San Francisco half marathon in July and figured we should be running a bit more then what TNT requires. on our 2 mile run we picked up our pace to a 9:30 pace and then slowly progressed to a 8:50pace per mile. Man it was hard, I was breathing heavy and decided to talk as little as possible so I could concentrate. Now mind you a 8:50 pace is quick and pushing it but Gabby and I use to be able to run 8:30 to even an 8min pace at times on our short runs. But I think since (speaking for myself) my last race which was the relay ( see my blog about that) I really had a hard time there. I pushed my self physically and have yet to regain my speed back. Plus I haven't been pushing myself ether.

all in all I have my work cut out for me. My goal for the SF half is to finish of course but also to come in no later then a 2hr and 10 min. but that means I really need to push myself at Tuesday tracks with the team and on my own runs as well. so lets see what happens, I will keep you posted.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Suck it up your in remission

Me before core work out :)

I love my team so much so I can even laugh and joke with my Honoree friends (people in the Team in Training group who have survived cancer or have been diagnosed). Recently during one of our track work outs I had the pleasure of training along side Mike who was on the summer team last year and who I was honored to run half of the Nike marathon with as well.

While we all were on the grass area of the track being tortured or enduring our core work out (upper body training). I along with Mike and some others were complaining about how hard and painful the planks were ( holding yourself up in a push-up position with your elbows and hands on the ground). Mike poked fun at us and himself about how hard this work out was and I said " oh come on your in remission suck it up, you should be glad you can do this" ( in a joking manner I might add) Mike replies with a huge smile " your right I am in remission " . I poke fun with Mike because we are friends and have trained together last summer.

Its little stories like this which make me smile because Mike can do this along with other things. Cancer sucks and I love when people like Mike are able to kick cancer to the curb and live to see another day. My sister Alex did not get a second chance like Mike did but you can give the gift of life by supporting me and my friends with the Leukemia and Lymphoma society today! Thank you to those who have donated and for those of you who would like to donate you still can by going to my website at

Thanks for reading my update and I will keep you posted on how my training and my team is doing as we progress.

Gabby, Mike and Gabby's mentee.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Back to TNT for me this summer!

Aww the sound of an alarm on a Saturday morning. I open my eyes and say to my self " no it cant be true I really don't have to get up or do I?. After I wipe the sleep from my eyes I realize even though its the weekend I still must get up early to meet with other crazy people like me. Why must I get up by 7am or 6am you ask? well to fight cancer that's why!

I love being a mentor you know why? Because I get to encourage new heroes on their journey they are about to take. The journey is completing a half or full marathon and its so rewarding. I love hearing all the worries and the fears about fundraising or running because I once was in their position not knowing what was in store for me. over the next few months not only will I be posting my random stories about me but also of my job as a mentor on the TNT team.

keep a look out for inspiring stories and challenges completed by people who never thought they could accomplish something so great as a full or half marathon. Believe me it can be done!

I am so excited and cant wait for the big milers to come.