Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Before I leave the start line of my Marathon...

The Nike Women's Marathon is just a few days away and I wanted to send out a list of names I like to call my hero's list. Below you will see names you recognize and names you don't. each name is of a person who survived or was taken too early by cancer. I write each name down on my race jersey and run with them and for them. This race is not just for me its for all people who ever faced or will face cancer and I desire hope for them that they will have a fighting chance against cancer. here are the names:

In memory of:

Alexandria Gonzales ( my sister)
Katie Reich
Alyssa Geske
Ruth Miltuin
Mathew Baxley

In Honor of:

Andre Wright
Samuel Frank Marcozzi
Melodie Sandborn
Jack Aiello
Keith Newman
Leah Tedeschi
Kelly Harris
Mike Heinaman
Patti Rodriguez
Carlos Hernandez
Celeste Flores
Debra Mardesich
Dough Booth
Ellen Civigliano
Ichie Diaz
Todd Moore

I also have all of you and your prayers to carry me to the finish line this Sunday Oct. 18th in San Francisco. and my scripture I hold on to during my marathons is this:

Isaiah 40:31
“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint”.

Thanks and I will write once more to tell you how my race went.

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