Sunday, October 4, 2009

Smile this is your Hobby not your Job!

Today I ran in the Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon in down town San Jose. While running with my run buddy Gabby we passed a guy cheering everyone on and he says "great job running, smile remember this is your hobby not your job!" I had to smile because even though sometimes this running stuff feels like a job because of the training involved it is my hobby.

I run because I love it! and its a way to relieve stress and remember how I got started running, My sister Alex. I love this running stuff it seems to not only be my passion but a way to inspire others. I love to see people I know want to find something they are passionate about or just get off the couch and do something worth wild.

I don't take this run stuff too lightly since today as I was running I ran passed this women who was passed out face down in the street. There was people around her getting the help she needed but my heart sank realizing this run stuff is hard and can take a toll on your body if your not careful. I also heard of a another man who passed out and needed CPR and needed electric paddles to get his heart going. so scary; this was by far one of my first races where I noticed so many people being taken to the hospital and the weather was not a factor. Just goes to show this race stuff is hardcore.

Once I finished my race I was happy to have reached my time goal and be a little under it. I was aiming for 2hr 15min and came in at 2hr 11min!!!! so I think I am ready for my marathon in two weeks! please be praying for our safety and time while there. Again please send in names of friends and family members who have been effected by cancer so I can honor their names along with my sister's at my marathon!!!

Ok friends and family until the next time take care!

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