Sunday, June 6, 2010

Not meant to play in the Mud

Wow what did I get myself into? is what I asked myself when I saw what my partner saw, the hill we would have to run and ride a bike on. Let me back up a bit to explain this latest race I was in which is called "Muddy Buddy" This race consist of two people, one bike, 4 obstacle courses, 6 miles and one mud pit! What you did at this race is one buddy biked the first mile while the other ran that mile. once you completed your mile you go through an obstacle course and hop on the bike if you just ran or start running if you just biked . So both me and my buddy Jen would switch off from the bike during our six miles.

During the whole race I keep telling myself "really Victoria you signed up for this ??? Dear Lord please don't let me fall off this bike" I would also make the passing comment to runners on the road " I would rather be running then biking right now!!!"

Needless to say we finished only to have to crawl through a massive mud pit. I waited for my buddy Jen to finish her bike ride since we had to go through the mud pit together. Jen crawled like some maniac as I like a girl screamed and complained and going way too slow through the mud pit.

When we finished I looked to Jen and said " um once is enough for me this is my last Muddy Buddy" Jen agreed with me as well. I later went online and checked our time and we did rather well for being first timers at this. We finished in 1hr 35 min and 24 sec. not to shabby I might say!!!

Yes it sounds like fun from the outside but when you never really biked and your on a rough trial the whole race is tough and then your forced into this mud pit only to destroy your loved running shoes and clothes just doesn't feel good in the end. But FUNNY OH YAY!!!
Lets just say I like running and have a new respect for all you bikers!!! Now on to my marathon training and finding a cure for cancer which is so much more fun for me . Donate today to help me to my finish line in CANADA!!!

So Happy to be Done!!!

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