Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Trail all to Myself

Today I ran 14 miles at Waddel Creek in Santa Cruz and it went pretty well. The only downer to this run was I was alone for most of it. My usual running buddies were ether away this weekend or started at a different time. I started my run with four people but fell behind them since they were speedies and I am well, not. I later came by a few other runners who were so kind to let me join them for their 9miler. we ran together very well but I had to say good bye to them to continue on to my 14mile turn around. I felt pretty good during my run and once I reached the water fall it was a well deserved treat!

after looking at the water fall for a few minutes I decided to make my run back down the mountain. While I was running I started to get lonely and pulled out the camera to take some pictures of myself and the trail. This lasted 5 minutes and then I was done and had to just run this alone. I started to look at the beauty around me and just take in the quiet of the trail and what I was doing, Running! when I finally finished I was ready to head home and enjoy some relaxing for my legs with a bag of ice ! Others who ran this trail today took nasty falls and hurt their ankles, thumbs, legs and a few others were stung by some crazy bugs! needless to say I got pretty lucky to not having any of these things happen to me.

Thanks again for all your support and if you would still like to contribute to my fundraising please do so at

I am still short by $800 and hope to reach my goal by the end of August so please help if you can.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I had a tough run today, I have to admit. I'm bummed we didn't get to run together, but then, you probably would have kicked my butt LOL!