Thursday, October 2, 2008

Natural Bridges 20 mile run and More

Well as some of you already know I completed my last long run of the TNT season before the full marathon on Oct. 19th. What you may not know is what I left out of my update in regards to my 20 mile run. Or should I say what happend after I finished my run!

Well after every long run (15+ miles for me) I take an ice bath to speed up recovery. Since I was so close to the ocean which is already super cold I figured why not use the ocean as my ice bath. Good idea right? WRONG! let me remind you I just ran 20 miles, I cant move very fast nor can I run away from a wave if it were to be too BIG! well a wave came and I couldnt get away from it fast enough and it took me down. luckly I was standing next to a buddy and she looked over and yelled "Where's Victoria, oh no shes in the water" I was under the water trying to swim and realized I couldnt because my leggs were dead weights and I was pretty much at the mercy of the ocean. once the wave went out Kristy saw me and grabed my hand and helped me out. while I was in the water and sucking in water and not air I thought to my self "really God is this how I end? I thought I would go out of this world in a more fantastic way or cooler way, but o.k if this is how it ends" yeah my life didnt flash before my eyes but cristicisim to the man up stairs did, for not making my life end the way I want it. Anyways God of course had other plans (thank you God) and Kristy came to my rescue!

You may ask where was the boyfriend; Scott well he didnt even notice I was gone. It happen so fast. He said he saw me one second and then the next thing you know Kristy is pulling you out of the water and he wasnt needed.

You think thats it for the day? nope it gets better. so I go to a shark's game with Scott and towards the last period of the game I step down to use the ladies room. Well I dont bring anything with me and mind you I ran 20miles and I am exhausted and my brain isnt functioning well. Anyways I try to get back to the seat but cant remember where we were sitting. I realize the ticket is up at my seat along with my phone. I had to think to myself now what are you suppose to do when your lost (yeah like my preschool kids) I think I am too old to go to the police and say "please sir I lost my boyfriend and dont remember where I was sitting) yeah that wouldnt fly. so I just waited him out and he shows up and I cant help but be extremely embrassed and stupid for not bringing my ticket with me. ah well lesson learned.... after 20miles stay away from the ocean and stay home to prevent from getting lost.

1 comment:

Spon said...

Don't forget the panic by the boyfriend as he is walking up and down looking for you.