Monday, June 15, 2009

Suck it up your in remission

Me before core work out :)

I love my team so much so I can even laugh and joke with my Honoree friends (people in the Team in Training group who have survived cancer or have been diagnosed). Recently during one of our track work outs I had the pleasure of training along side Mike who was on the summer team last year and who I was honored to run half of the Nike marathon with as well.

While we all were on the grass area of the track being tortured or enduring our core work out (upper body training). I along with Mike and some others were complaining about how hard and painful the planks were ( holding yourself up in a push-up position with your elbows and hands on the ground). Mike poked fun at us and himself about how hard this work out was and I said " oh come on your in remission suck it up, you should be glad you can do this" ( in a joking manner I might add) Mike replies with a huge smile " your right I am in remission " . I poke fun with Mike because we are friends and have trained together last summer.

Its little stories like this which make me smile because Mike can do this along with other things. Cancer sucks and I love when people like Mike are able to kick cancer to the curb and live to see another day. My sister Alex did not get a second chance like Mike did but you can give the gift of life by supporting me and my friends with the Leukemia and Lymphoma society today! Thank you to those who have donated and for those of you who would like to donate you still can by going to my website at

Thanks for reading my update and I will keep you posted on how my training and my team is doing as we progress.

Gabby, Mike and Gabby's mentee.

1 comment:

Gabby said...

Hehehe. Yep, that's the only time I see you smiling during our core workout. :-)