Sunday, July 26, 2009

Not ready for Nike Marathon just yet

Gabby and me before the Race

wow! its been way to long since my last blog. Who knew wedding planning, fundraising and working two jobs would take up so much of my time :) But I wouldn't change a thing because every good thing comes from persevering.

Since I began training with Team in Training again this year (TNT) I thought I would be some what ready for this San Francisco half Marathon this weekend. Ah but not so... As my friend and buddy runner Gabby knows I HATE HILLS. The San Francisco Marathon was full of hills non-stop it seemed. Don't get me wrong the sights were beautiful and I loved running across the bridge. But every turn I made there was a hill to climb so the possibility of reaching a new personal record in time completion seemed unreachable.

Gabby and I began the race strong and I knew I was pushing a bit too much to quick. we got to the 6 mile marker and about to turn on to the Golden Gate bridge when I lost sight of Gabby amongst the crowded street on a hill :(. I never saw Gabby again until I finished the race. I knew I would not be able to stick with Gabby the whole race but was a bit sadden to lose her so early in the run.

By mile 12 and one mile to go I looked down at my watch and realized I will not break my personal record of 2hrs and 7 min this race. I slowed my pace down and decided to enjoy the last bit of the race and take as many walk brakes as needed. I finished with a 2 hours and 11mins and was happy with it cause I finished.

Kristy, Gabby, Me Scott just as tired as me

What I learned, enjoy the race more! and keep training. This race was a good reminder a marathon is not an easy task and takes every effort on my part to be ready for it. The over all mission of my marathon in October is to find a cure for all blood cancers and keep the memory of my sister Alex a live every run and race I do.

Until next blog.... oh an if you would still like to donate I need all the help to reach my goal and I am half way there, please go to my web page and donate safe and quick. THANKs!!!

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