Saturday, August 29, 2009

16 miles in the heat

I cant believe I ran 16 miles today in this hot August Heat wave. Why you say would I do such a thing? Well for a cure for cancer thats why! but you all know that by now. so let me explain how my long run went today.

I started out nice and easy as instructed by one of my ultra runner coaches named Hao. He advised me to run my first mile at a 12 mintue pace and then increase my speed by shaving off 15 seconds each mile I complete until I get to mile 6. Once I reached mile six I was told to hold my marathon pace which is 1030min per mile. I followed the best I could and it actually worked! I felt good through most of my run and I think do to the heat I got extremely tired by mile 14.

All in all I did very well for myself even though I didnt have my run buddy Gabby with me due to a saturday class she had to be at. At least I will be able to run with her when I do my 18 miler in two weeks! wow almost marathon time and I cant believe it!

Alright until next time stay cool.


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