Sunday, September 27, 2009

20 miles in Monterey

Phew what a day I had in Monterey. The weather was perfect and it was sooo beautiful who wouldn't love to be there in all its glory?

It has come to that time in my training for my marathon to run my 20 mile training run and then taper (slow down the miles). Scott came along for this training run and volunteered to help at a water stop. Scott didn't get a good ocean view at his water stop location but I was happy to see him when I came by for water. I started out my run nice and easy and worked my way up to a good running pace and held it to the finish. Just before I ran in my last few steps I thought back as to why I put myself through this and I said her name "Alex this is for you". each time I finish a run I remember her and its so rewarding. The best part was seeing Scott at the end to cheer me in with the rest of my Team! I love training with a great group of people. I am soo happy with this years training and I am very grateful to all you supporters for you prayers and support.
Since my marathon is fast approaching I do ask one final thing from all you supporters. If you know of anyone who has been affected directly by cancer or is currently fighting cancer let me know so I can add their name to my hero list. My hero list is a list of names I write on my race jersey. All during the marathon these names inspire us runners to keep running in honor or memory of them. Of course my Sister's name is on the top but your friend or family member is just as important.

Thank you once again for your continued support and if you haven't donated and still would like to please go to my web page at

I will send one more update before the marathon to keep you in the loop of my marathon which is on Oct 18th.

Take care and God Bless !

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