Monday, October 19, 2009

Three Time Marathoner!!!

wow did I really finish my third marathon? wow I must say it could not have been done with out a great support like all of you. Team in Training is an unstoppable force to fighting against cancer and I am so proud to be apart of the fight. Let me take you through my hero's weekend.

We began the night before our race with a glorious crowd praising us for our efforts of fundraising and running a marathon for a worthy cause. I must say the crowds take my breath away and always tugs at my heart because I feel so humble and unworthy of such praise. after the dinner, the next morning comes race day....

we start up ready to race, me and Gabby only guessing on how well this race will be for us. I felt good and a bit nervous. we started out well but come mile 3 Gabby complained of her knee hurting. I shrugged it off and said stretch it out you'll be fine, not knowing she wouldn't be the whole race. It was hard running along side of Gabby hearing her complain about her knee and how awful this race is. I fought with every fiber in me not to be negative and run my race as best as I could. I pushed forward and thought about the cause I was running for and that this momentary uncomfort was worth it for this Cause.

At mile 20 my hopes of finishing at 4 hours and 30minutes was past me. my lower back was really hurting and pushing down into my tailbone. I pushed through the discomfort as best I could and held on to hope there is a finish I am going to cross today. Gabby and I kept chasing one another always staying near each other but it was hard to stay together because we were both fighting our own body battle.
At mile 25 I knew I could finish it strong but I needed a push and I got it when I saw my cousin Yolanda and her kids shout "Toria!!!" I screamed in astonishment I saw them, and her kids joined me in finishing the last stretch of the race. I had Coach Hao and Ryan and a few others from my team encourage me and push me forward to finish. Ryan gave me the best news and said "look a head in two more traffic lights your there!!!" I pulled with every muscle I had left and dug dip and started running with my heart. I heard my name in the crowds shouting " Go Victoria, you can do this, you got this, your going to finish" Once I saw the finish line everyone was a blur I slowed down wanting to take in the moment, I looked to the sky, blew a kiss to my sister in heaven and plowed for the finish. Just moments before I cross a hand grabs mine and I almost jerk away when I realized Gabby caught up and she says " lets finish" I took her hand and we crossed two women strong!!!! I was so emotional I cried taking my finisher necklace and prizes. I was so thankful to be done and the pain in my body would get rest.

I didn't reach my time goal and came in at 4hrs 54min but that doesn't matter, what matters is I raised a lot of money for a great cause and my Sister Alex's memory was honored that day along with your family and friends names. With your help I crossed the finish line and with your help we raise over $2,100 dollars with Team in Training and the entire nation of TNT raised $40 million this season to fight against cancer!!! Thank you so much for making this happen. And if I decide to run again next year I hope to raise more money to find a cure. Take care and Thanks again for your much appreciated support.


Margo G. said...

Oh Victoria I read this with tears rolling down my face and my heart full of pride. You are AMAZING!

Auntie M.

Jen said...

Aww, what a cool story!! Kind of reminds me of what happened to me and Janine at Royal Vic, when we got separated and then I caught up to her and snuck up behind her in the end LOL. I love these stories!!