Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nike Dance to the Finish!

Super women who run AKA: me and my run buddy Pim

To wrap up this crazy running season I ran one more race a week after my full marathon. Yes I am crazy I know this but being ordinary isn’t my cup of tea. I like to be extraordinary! The night before my ½ marathon I attended an inspiration dinner where I sat among thousands of women and men who were running the Nike race for a great cause. That evening a woman gave a story about her sister Nancy who was brave and fought cancer but cancer won. I was in tears yet again but so encouraged to see her and her family running this race for others and to bring honor to her sister Nancy. After the dinner and speech I caught up with a high school buddy named Claire who I haven’t seen since high school. Clare and I chatted quickly but before we said good bye she pulled out her race jersey and I thought “cool shirt “Claire pointed to a special name on the back of her shirt and it had my Sister Alex’s name on it. I nearly fell in to tears with such honor. Claire smiled and said “of course I would put her name on it” I hugged Claire and thanked her for her efforts towards this great cause and we parted ways to get much needed sleep for our race.

me running with a great view of the ocean

The next morning I laced up my shoes and prepared for my race. This time I was calm and ready to just have some fun. I had a friend along with me named Pim who had just run not only a marathon last week, but a half marathon the week before her marathon. So Pim was as we sports fan say performing a hat trick and running a third race within 3 weeks. Yes we runners are nuts but we love why we do it.

It took us a while to even cross the start due to the fact this Nike race in San Francisco is so crowded with over 28,000 people running in it. We ran and walked with a run 4 min and walk 1 min routine. We took pictures and laughed and danced the whole way to the finish. At Mile 6 or so I was surprised to see my dad on the side lines. Before I started the race my brother texted me “dad is coming to see you race” I thought “ok where?” Needless to say I saw my dad and it was so cool sense I had no idea where I would see him. I happen to scan the side lines after this hill we just climbed and I saw my sister Shelia and then my dad followed by my brother Jared. I gave them all hugs and thanked them for coming out. Seeing them helped me climb the rest of those hills for miles.

After passing certain miles I saw faces of the people who have helped me along the way. Staff such as coach Kris, coach Tim, Captain Jessi , my Friend Janine and many more. It was so great to hear them say “you’re looking strong !” “Keep it up”. What an inspiration for me to have such great people encouraging me along the whole way.

When mile 11 came there was a sign separating the full and half marathon part of this race. As I passed this sign I shouted “after 3 times running this race I finally got smart and chose to do the half whoo hoo” When mile 12 came around I looked one last time at my watch and told Pim “lets run this last mile in” Pim quietly agreed and off we went. We ran quickly passing people left and right. As we turned the corner I saw the finish and we ran for it. I thought to myself “I don’t know when I will return to this race so enjoy it”. I looked in the crowd for my brother Jerry and Husband . I looked at my watch and saw I had a few seconds before 2 hrs and 30min pass which was kinda what I wanted to clock in at. So I took the last seconds to DANCE! That’s right I danced to the finish and then I heard my name “VICTORIA!!!” there they were Jerry and Scott smiling away! I waved to them and turned to finish with a big skip across the finish and a look to the sky thanking God for this victory and a wave to my Sister Alex from heaven.

Thank you all for such a great season of encouragement and love and support without each of you I couldn’t cross that finish line. I am not sure when I will run a marathon again but when I do decide you can bet I will take you all with me again for another great ride!

Me celebrating my victory of a great race with some more dancing on stage with my amazing Team! (im the one in the pink shirt )

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