Thursday, October 7, 2010

Final Thoughts Before My Races

Well I just have a few days before I start my marathon in Canada. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. Nervous about the weather, my running pace , and running 26.2 miles without a person to speak too for a good long time. I know I am going to finish it but I wanted to stop and take a moment and thank each of you who have continued to encourage and support me. I only have a few names on my shirt of people who survived cancer or are no longer with us because of it. I could have filled up my shirt with names but I still wouldn’t have enough room to put all the names. So the names I choose were names some of you sent in and some I have prayed for and kept in mind while training. The list is this:

Alex (my sister who passed away 11 years ago)
Siobhan (passed away 6 months ago)
Cece Bell (passed away)
Kitty Pon (survivor)
Evan (currently battling)
Howard Harris (passed away)
Mario (battling)
Alex Solis (battling)
Grace Collins ( passed away)
Sandi Cuddie (battling)

My verse for these races is this from Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afarid, or discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go".

Please keep me and my team in your thoughts and prayers as we race these next two weekends. My marathon is this Sunday Oct 10th and I run another race Oct 17th a half marathon in san Francisco. Until the finish line see ya later!

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