Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Victoria Marathon

Costal view while I ran in Victoria

This marathon was number 4 for me and I was determined to beat my personal record of 4:45min. The date of the marathon 10-10-10 had all the potential to be the race I would break my record. But before I go in to detail about my race let me back up a day before. We arrived in Victoria British Columbia Saturday before the race and settled in nicely at our hotel. After our inspirational dinner we all sat around at the hotel Bar drinking our waters. A question was asked to us all running the marathon as to how we are feeling. My reply was “nauseous” yes that’s right I felt sick for reasons unknown to me which carried all the way to through the race. I went to bed that night praying for great weather, rest and a good day for all.

The Marathon Team with me in the middle with a black hat on

Race day finally arrived and I lined up with my Friend Pim and her Boyfriend Ron who were running the full as well. I kissed Scott as he wished me good luck and then the gun goes off and away I went. I was running this marathon by myself with no partner to run with so I had to play a mental game the whole race. For miles 1-20 I hit all my race goals making time fly and I kept telling myself I am going to crush my record at this pace if only this stupid stomach would work with me. Yes my nauseous feeling never went away. I was drinking plenty of water but I think the pressure I put on myself to finish in record time got to me and I couldn’t push pass myself. At Mile 10 or so Coach Stacy saw me and gave me salt to help my stomach but that didn’t help me. As I ran I saw fellow runners I have trained with on the other side pass me with coaches and mentors encouraging them along. The coaches said to me from the other side “I will catch you on the turn-around.” So I figured great I will get help when I turn around. Well I never saw anyone again after mile 15 or so. I kept looking for encouragement and people to cheer me on but none to be had. I prayed “God please let me finish this I hurt so bad.” Each time I prayed a person running would say a word of encouragement to help me to keep going. One man who was running near me read the back of my shirt. While I was talking to myself the man asked “who is Alex to you?” I said “What? Oh she is my sister who passed away I run for her” the man replies “That’s a strong name. I am sure with that name you will get strength. I have a brother named Alex. Such a strong name. Keep going.” I replied with a thank you and ran ahead.

This race I thought I would finish it strong and amazing but to my surprise I finished it differently. At mile 20, I hit my time goal of 3hrs and 30+ min right on target for my goal. All I had to do was finish 6 more miles. Easier said than done. Mile 21 came and all my strength and will power was gone and so was my goal to finish at 4hrs and 30min. As I got to mile 25 I took one last look at my watch and it read 4hrs and 28 min. No way would I finish 1.2 miles in two minutes. I wanted to cry, I wanted to lay down on the floor and sleep; I wanted to drink lots of water but most of all I wanted to STOP! There was no one there to support me, until I saw Mike Z, one of the captains on our team. He ran with me and I told him to tell me to keep going and that I can do this. He did and then he passed me on to my Coach Tim, who has ran me in, in all of my marathon finishes and this one too. Tim saw me and I started to cry a lot! He asked “why are you so upset? Were you trying for a PR (Personal record)?” I replied with a big cry “yes! But it doesn’t matter, that’s not why I run” He took my head and then rubbed my back and said “you run for all these names on your back you have all these angles to push you across the finish line” As I sobbed in my arm and Tim holding my hand pushing me on I mustered up the last bit of strength to finish my 400 meters I had to go. Coach Tim let go of my hand and I had to finish on my own. I screamed as I ran pushing my body to the limit and as I saw the finish line I thanked God as I reached for the sky and pointed while thinking “another race complete for you Alex” As I ran into the finish I nearly fell over in pain. The medics told me to not stop and keep moving. I moved with the Medic helping me until my team manager Simone came to take over and then I totally lost it. I cried like a baby in my manager’s arms, and again my manager asks “What’s wrong?” I said while I sobbed “I hurt so bad, why the hell did I do this, this sucks. I am soooo tired.” Simone then asked “ do you want to take a picture with your medal? “ I said “no, wait, I don’t know?” she said “yes you do, let’s take your picture, now pretend to be happy and smile” I smiled and proceeded to walk to Scott and kissed him through the fence and then walked to my snacks the race provided.

My dramatic finish

Proud Coach Tim and I

Scott helped me walk back to the hotel and then the ritual of an ice bath came followed by a long awaited Nap. I rested a bit and then I celebrated with my team later that night. It wasn’t until I was dancing with my Team (yes dancing, it helps recovery) I realized I just did a marathon. The whole time after I finished my race I was so angry with myself for not reaching my time goal and only clocking in at 4hrs and 46 min. I failed to realize what a big accomplishment I had completed today. Not only did I raise over $3000 for this great cause I ran my 4th marathon!
I want to thank all of you my supporters for your help and encouragement to reach my goals of raising money and running this marathon. I have a half marathon still to go this coming weekend at the Nike race but without all of you I couldn’t do any of this. Stay tuned for my final update on my Nike race this weekend on Oct 17th.

Me and I biggest supporter my husband Scott

Go Team!

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