Sunday, December 21, 2008

13.1 mile training run

wow I did my best time ever for a half marathon distance. I clocked in at 2 hours and 9 min! it was so not easy since I didn't do my usually run walk routine and only took about 4 stops to stretch and take some GU. My legs hurt for the rest of the day but the next day they were fine. but as I said before it was lonely out there all on my own and I think I will have Scott meet me on some parts of the trail. I did get a bit spooked when I kept seeing the same group of guys along the trail but I was comforted to see a lot of other people on the trail too who were running. I always carry my phone and stay where I can be seen plus someone always knows I am out on the trail.

My next long distance I hope to do is a 15 miler! lets see if I can do that one and this time it will be with a walk run routine.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Ten Mile run

I ran 10 miles this last Saturday and I did pretty well and finished in about an hour and 37 min. that's about a 9:40min mile. I did alright since I didn't carb up the day before but to say the least I did great. I look forward to the next big mile runs and see how well I can hold up this fast pace. The next big long run I hope to do is a 13 mile one and I want to run the whole time with no walk breaks as I have done for the last long runs.

During my ten mile at about mile 8 just when I was heading home my ipod shuffle stopped working and I had no tunes to run to for the final home stretch. Yeah it was too quiet so my pace slowed down since I didn't have anyone to talk to or anything to listen to. That's the one down side to training on your own for races is the lack of a buddy to run with. I am hoping Scott will catch up with me so he can at least run with me when I run my six mile routine runs every other weekend.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another Marathon!

Ahh, I am addicted to running which causes me to participate in crazy races like the Napa Marathon in this coming March. People have heard I am running in another marathon and they say"so your running in another marathon?" my reply is not an excited one, not because I don't like it but because I know the training that is involved in preparing for a marathon. But once I put all my running gear on and head out the door on my run days and I have run about 3 to 4 miles I smile because I then feel the excitement of pushing myself and moving along the trails. I love the accomplishment I make every time I finish a short or long run. Nothing beats knowing you just finished a tough, easy or short run because I know what it takes to be a runner. It takes not only consistency in training but determination to finish any race and a whole lot of heart. Oh and it takes someone saying "come on you can go father..." Thanks my TNT buddies you all continue to challenge me and keep me running.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I finished my Marathon!

To all my supporters:
I just wanted to say thank you one more time for all the encouragement and support you gave. Well I finally crossed that ultimate finish line and reached not only my fundraising goal but raised $2300+ and experienced again what it feels like to complete a marathon. The feeling was different this time because I had two other teammates with me who I had been mentoring through out the season and to see them finish was even better. I don’t think I would have done as well as I had with out Gabby and Peter running with me.
The night before the marathon, me and my teammates received a heroes welcome once again this year and where greeted by hundreds of coaches who clapped and shouted for joy for what we all were about to do the next morning. It was so amazing and breath taking and I still got emotional as I did last year with what I saw and felt that evening.
On October 19th I woke up and ran a 26.2 mile race with 20,000+ other women and finished in 4 hours and 44 minutes. I beat my last year’s time by a whole hour and I still can’t believe I did it. The first 15 miles were fun and challenging but once I reached mile 16 I hit the wall and had a major cramp in the middle of my torso and the cramp never went away. There were times in the race when I had to stop and kneel on the ground due to the pain the cramp was causing. Each time I kneeled I was praying for some relief and once I looked up and saw all the runners pass by I started to run again. I knew I had to keep going because most of us who were running were doing it for others and not ourselves. At mile 24 and during many other miles we had people from our team such as coaches and mentors to run by our side and give us words of encouragement. I was feeling really hurt and wanted to stop but I pushed on and concentrated on the memory of my sister and all of the people who I dedicated the miles to and the research this marathon was going to benefit.
At mile 26 I was ready to be done and looked back for my running partners and said “let’s finish this” we gave all we had and ran for the finish. I reached for Gabby’s hand and once we saw the finish I said “let’s finish together” we held hands with Peter next to us and crossed the line. Once I crossed my legs were ready to fall apart as I reached for the beautiful Tiffany’s finisher necklace I nearly took down the fire fighter. I was so shaky I nearly knocked down the tray holding the necklaces. The fire fighter moved a step back and said with a laugh and smile “congratulations on finishing your marathon”. I got my necklace and headed towards my brother and boyfriend Scott for my long awaited hugs!
This event raised 18 million dollars and more towards research in the fight against blood cancers. You all helped to reach this goal so be proud to be apart of this.
Many have asked what keeps me going and there are two things that kept me going during this race. First is always the memory of my sister Alex and second the verse from Isaiah 40:31 “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint”. This verse was repeated in my head the whole race along with my sister’s memory. I hope to do this again next year and get an even faster time!
Thank you for helping me do something so amazing!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Those I am running for in the Nike Marathon Oct 19th

These are the names of the people I will be running for. Some of these people are no longer with us and others have won their battle with cancer.

My Sister Alexandria Gonzales who we all miss and I always run for her!
Alfredo Reves who is missed
Rajamani Narasimhan who is missed
Elena Garcia who is a survivor
Johnny Fong who is missed
Joni who is missed
Chuck Higgins
Jesse Espinoza
Jenny who is missed
Kamala Narnur who is missed
Laura who is missed
Kitty Pon who is a survivor
MelissaV Hill who is missed
Elanie who is missed
Kirit Shah who is missed
Katie Reich who is missed
Maragaret Naughten
John McManus Senior who is missed
Matthew Baxter who is missed

I will run with my heart and honor all those who have won and lost their fight with cancer. When my body grows tired in the race I will remember them and gain strength from with in.

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint".

Monday, October 6, 2008

Rock n' Roll half marathon in San Jose

Just this past sunday I ran in the San Jose Half marathon and I did great! I didnt beat any personal record but did well in spite of the fact I ran 20 miles the weekend before. I ran with my running partner Gabby who I have been mentoring this seaon and another running friend Misty for most of the way as well.

The race was a blast and a great warm up for my marathon which is in two weeks. I can't wait to beat my time from last year at this years marathon for Nike. I think the best part of this Rock N'Roll marathon was running in with my mentee Gabby who has never experienced a race like this and be able to cross the finish line with her. I have never crossed a finish line with a buddy yet since I always get impatient and speed up at then end of my races. Gabby didnt want to finish this race alone and so as we ran towards the finish line I reach over for her hand and say "Lets cross this together as we planned" it was a great moment for her and me. nothing compares to the feeling of finishing a race especialy when crossing with a friend in 2hours and 20 mintues.

Oh I forgot to mention all the support we had on the race. Since I had on my Team in Training jersery I got tons of shout outs and encouragement from the crowds which always keeps me going. the best part too was running into former running buddies such as Jessie mid race and catching up with her during the race. I love races they are just so much fun no matter what the milage is, their always fun.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Natural Bridges 20 mile run and More

Well as some of you already know I completed my last long run of the TNT season before the full marathon on Oct. 19th. What you may not know is what I left out of my update in regards to my 20 mile run. Or should I say what happend after I finished my run!

Well after every long run (15+ miles for me) I take an ice bath to speed up recovery. Since I was so close to the ocean which is already super cold I figured why not use the ocean as my ice bath. Good idea right? WRONG! let me remind you I just ran 20 miles, I cant move very fast nor can I run away from a wave if it were to be too BIG! well a wave came and I couldnt get away from it fast enough and it took me down. luckly I was standing next to a buddy and she looked over and yelled "Where's Victoria, oh no shes in the water" I was under the water trying to swim and realized I couldnt because my leggs were dead weights and I was pretty much at the mercy of the ocean. once the wave went out Kristy saw me and grabed my hand and helped me out. while I was in the water and sucking in water and not air I thought to my self "really God is this how I end? I thought I would go out of this world in a more fantastic way or cooler way, but o.k if this is how it ends" yeah my life didnt flash before my eyes but cristicisim to the man up stairs did, for not making my life end the way I want it. Anyways God of course had other plans (thank you God) and Kristy came to my rescue!

You may ask where was the boyfriend; Scott well he didnt even notice I was gone. It happen so fast. He said he saw me one second and then the next thing you know Kristy is pulling you out of the water and he wasnt needed.

You think thats it for the day? nope it gets better. so I go to a shark's game with Scott and towards the last period of the game I step down to use the ladies room. Well I dont bring anything with me and mind you I ran 20miles and I am exhausted and my brain isnt functioning well. Anyways I try to get back to the seat but cant remember where we were sitting. I realize the ticket is up at my seat along with my phone. I had to think to myself now what are you suppose to do when your lost (yeah like my preschool kids) I think I am too old to go to the police and say "please sir I lost my boyfriend and dont remember where I was sitting) yeah that wouldnt fly. so I just waited him out and he shows up and I cant help but be extremely embrassed and stupid for not bringing my ticket with me. ah well lesson learned.... after 20miles stay away from the ocean and stay home to prevent from getting lost.