Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays from the Newlyweds!

What a year it has been for me and Scott. We are so happy and love this married life we have started. Since we are busy with sending out thank you cards this year we thought an email Christmas card was best to save stamps and prevent writer's cramp ;)

Please take the time to spend time with your loved ones this year and share time with one another more then a gift bought at the store. This Christmas season we feel spending time with our friends and family is more important then any money we could spend on a gift they would forget about in a few months. So take care and Enjoy what this Christmas season brings for you!


Victoria and Scott Pon


To view a better picture of our holiday picture go to this website : http://ponfamily.com/scottvicwed/holiday2009.asp

To view our wedding pictures go to this site, click view proofs, and enter your email:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Three Time Marathoner!!!

wow did I really finish my third marathon? wow I must say it could not have been done with out a great support like all of you. Team in Training is an unstoppable force to fighting against cancer and I am so proud to be apart of the fight. Let me take you through my hero's weekend.

We began the night before our race with a glorious crowd praising us for our efforts of fundraising and running a marathon for a worthy cause. I must say the crowds take my breath away and always tugs at my heart because I feel so humble and unworthy of such praise. after the dinner, the next morning comes race day....

we start up ready to race, me and Gabby only guessing on how well this race will be for us. I felt good and a bit nervous. we started out well but come mile 3 Gabby complained of her knee hurting. I shrugged it off and said stretch it out you'll be fine, not knowing she wouldn't be the whole race. It was hard running along side of Gabby hearing her complain about her knee and how awful this race is. I fought with every fiber in me not to be negative and run my race as best as I could. I pushed forward and thought about the cause I was running for and that this momentary uncomfort was worth it for this Cause.

At mile 20 my hopes of finishing at 4 hours and 30minutes was past me. my lower back was really hurting and pushing down into my tailbone. I pushed through the discomfort as best I could and held on to hope there is a finish I am going to cross today. Gabby and I kept chasing one another always staying near each other but it was hard to stay together because we were both fighting our own body battle.
At mile 25 I knew I could finish it strong but I needed a push and I got it when I saw my cousin Yolanda and her kids shout "Toria!!!" I screamed in astonishment I saw them, and her kids joined me in finishing the last stretch of the race. I had Coach Hao and Ryan and a few others from my team encourage me and push me forward to finish. Ryan gave me the best news and said "look a head in two more traffic lights your there!!!" I pulled with every muscle I had left and dug dip and started running with my heart. I heard my name in the crowds shouting " Go Victoria, you can do this, you got this, your going to finish" Once I saw the finish line everyone was a blur I slowed down wanting to take in the moment, I looked to the sky, blew a kiss to my sister in heaven and plowed for the finish. Just moments before I cross a hand grabs mine and I almost jerk away when I realized Gabby caught up and she says " lets finish" I took her hand and we crossed two women strong!!!! I was so emotional I cried taking my finisher necklace and prizes. I was so thankful to be done and the pain in my body would get rest.

I didn't reach my time goal and came in at 4hrs 54min but that doesn't matter, what matters is I raised a lot of money for a great cause and my Sister Alex's memory was honored that day along with your family and friends names. With your help I crossed the finish line and with your help we raise over $2,100 dollars with Team in Training and the entire nation of TNT raised $40 million this season to fight against cancer!!! Thank you so much for making this happen. And if I decide to run again next year I hope to raise more money to find a cure. Take care and Thanks again for your much appreciated support.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Before I leave the start line of my Marathon...

The Nike Women's Marathon is just a few days away and I wanted to send out a list of names I like to call my hero's list. Below you will see names you recognize and names you don't. each name is of a person who survived or was taken too early by cancer. I write each name down on my race jersey and run with them and for them. This race is not just for me its for all people who ever faced or will face cancer and I desire hope for them that they will have a fighting chance against cancer. here are the names:

In memory of:

Alexandria Gonzales ( my sister)
Katie Reich
Alyssa Geske
Ruth Miltuin
Mathew Baxley

In Honor of:

Andre Wright
Samuel Frank Marcozzi
Melodie Sandborn
Jack Aiello
Keith Newman
Leah Tedeschi
Kelly Harris
Mike Heinaman
Patti Rodriguez
Carlos Hernandez
Celeste Flores
Debra Mardesich
Dough Booth
Ellen Civigliano
Ichie Diaz
Todd Moore

I also have all of you and your prayers to carry me to the finish line this Sunday Oct. 18th in San Francisco. and my scripture I hold on to during my marathons is this:

Isaiah 40:31
“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint”.

Thanks and I will write once more to tell you how my race went.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Smile this is your Hobby not your Job!

Today I ran in the Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon in down town San Jose. While running with my run buddy Gabby we passed a guy cheering everyone on and he says "great job running, smile remember this is your hobby not your job!" I had to smile because even though sometimes this running stuff feels like a job because of the training involved it is my hobby.

I run because I love it! and its a way to relieve stress and remember how I got started running, My sister Alex. I love this running stuff it seems to not only be my passion but a way to inspire others. I love to see people I know want to find something they are passionate about or just get off the couch and do something worth wild.

I don't take this run stuff too lightly since today as I was running I ran passed this women who was passed out face down in the street. There was people around her getting the help she needed but my heart sank realizing this run stuff is hard and can take a toll on your body if your not careful. I also heard of a another man who passed out and needed CPR and needed electric paddles to get his heart going. so scary; this was by far one of my first races where I noticed so many people being taken to the hospital and the weather was not a factor. Just goes to show this race stuff is hardcore.

Once I finished my race I was happy to have reached my time goal and be a little under it. I was aiming for 2hr 15min and came in at 2hr 11min!!!! so I think I am ready for my marathon in two weeks! please be praying for our safety and time while there. Again please send in names of friends and family members who have been effected by cancer so I can honor their names along with my sister's at my marathon!!!

Ok friends and family until the next time take care!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

20 miles in Monterey

Phew what a day I had in Monterey. The weather was perfect and it was sooo beautiful who wouldn't love to be there in all its glory?

It has come to that time in my training for my marathon to run my 20 mile training run and then taper (slow down the miles). Scott came along for this training run and volunteered to help at a water stop. Scott didn't get a good ocean view at his water stop location but I was happy to see him when I came by for water. I started out my run nice and easy and worked my way up to a good running pace and held it to the finish. Just before I ran in my last few steps I thought back as to why I put myself through this and I said her name "Alex this is for you". each time I finish a run I remember her and its so rewarding. The best part was seeing Scott at the end to cheer me in with the rest of my Team! I love training with a great group of people. I am soo happy with this years training and I am very grateful to all you supporters for you prayers and support.
Since my marathon is fast approaching I do ask one final thing from all you supporters. If you know of anyone who has been affected directly by cancer or is currently fighting cancer let me know so I can add their name to my hero list. My hero list is a list of names I write on my race jersey. All during the marathon these names inspire us runners to keep running in honor or memory of them. Of course my Sister's name is on the top but your friend or family member is just as important.

Thank you once again for your continued support and if you haven't donated and still would like to please go to my web page at http://pages.teamintraining.org/sj/nikesf09/vgonzales

I will send one more update before the marathon to keep you in the loop of my marathon which is on Oct 18th.

Take care and God Bless !

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I Miss her, she would have been 26th

It has been ten years since I last saw my sister Alex and if she were still alive she would have been celebrating her 26th birthday this Saturday on Sept 5th. As I have said before this year has not been easy for me during my wedding preparation.

This week I had two appointments for wedding planning. The first appointment was with our pastor who will officiate our wedding. I had told the pastor I wanted to represent my sister in a special way and would have one of the groomsmen walk alone with out a bridesmaid, Since my sister is irreplaceable. The Groomsman then would light a candle to represent my sister's presents with us on our special occasion. I nearly wanted to cry when explaining this to the pastor. Really life is not always full of happy things sometimes we have to keep running even when it hurts.

The next wedding appointment I had was at the alteration for my wedding dress. wow it was sooo weird to stand there in front of the mirror and look at myself in a wedding dress. I thought of the day I would wear it again when fully done and how it all will go. I thought of the people involved and of my sister who would not be physically present. My mom looked at me and just kept saying we are going to really have a special day. It warmed my heart to see my mom there buttoning and zipping me in the dress.

Such a great time right now for me and in the mist of it all I want to take the time out to say happy birthday to my sister who I dearly miss and love soo much. As the song sang by Jeremy Camp "There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, no more fears...." until then I will marry the man who will help carry me through these sad moments when I miss her, along with the rest of my big family and friends. Its sooo good to know I will have Scott to hold me when I really need it.

So live for today and don't wast a moment of it. Donate today to find a cure for cancer at my webpage http://pages.teamintraining.org/sj/nikesf09/vgonzales

Saturday, August 29, 2009

16 miles in the heat

I cant believe I ran 16 miles today in this hot August Heat wave. Why you say would I do such a thing? Well for a cure for cancer thats why! but you all know that by now. so let me explain how my long run went today.

I started out nice and easy as instructed by one of my ultra runner coaches named Hao. He advised me to run my first mile at a 12 mintue pace and then increase my speed by shaving off 15 seconds each mile I complete until I get to mile 6. Once I reached mile six I was told to hold my marathon pace which is 1030min per mile. I followed the best I could and it actually worked! I felt good through most of my run and I think do to the heat I got extremely tired by mile 14.

All in all I did very well for myself even though I didnt have my run buddy Gabby with me due to a saturday class she had to be at. At least I will be able to run with her when I do my 18 miler in two weeks! wow almost marathon time and I cant believe it!

Alright until next time stay cool.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ouch! What a Run

Ouch! what a run I had at waddell Creek! Yeah so if you don't already know I took a nasty fall on the trail at Waddell creek. I along with some other great runners were running 12 miles through a beautiful trail in the Santa Cruz Mountains. With every step there was a rock or a tree branch sticking out of the ground and if you weren't watching your step you could fall.

Needless to say we were all running at a good pace when I heard my friend Gabby call from the back of our group "Bike Back" which means a bike is coming up on the trail from behind us. I like a curious person want to see where the bike is coming from and look to my left and then I hit a ROCK! and I FLY!!! forward hands out and pretty much take a somersault move to the ground. I hit my left shoulder pretty hard along with my left thigh taking the brunt of the impact and scraping up my left knee to finish out the fall. Oh but then I remember there is a bike coming I prepare myself for the possibility of the bike hitting me and hear the brakes of the bike. I look and see the biker stop before he could run over or hit me.
whats a runner to do? well you dust your self off asses the cuts and scratches and keep running. There is no time for reaching for a band aide or sitting and pouting about it. The only thought that runs through my head is " Thank God I didn't get hit by the bike and it could have been a whole lot worst". I of course was not the only one to fall and get hurt unfortunately two other runners in our group got a bit of the bad luck too as I did.
Marni fell after tripping over a branch. Also Pim rolled her ankle and possibly has a sprained ankle and couldn't finish her 12 mile run :( None the less we all toughed it out and we who could finish, ran tell the end and were glad to be done!

Us kicking the not so Lucky tire since after kicking the lucky tire all the bad luck started to happen!

aw we reached the top at mile 6, take a beautiful picture and turn around and head back.

Oh the beauty of a busted up leg! this is before I get the chance to clean up and apply antibacterial stuff and check out my shoulder which looked the same as my leg. Oh but it all chalks up to experience and a great run to laugh about later :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

As the 10th year is approaching without my sister

As the years have gone by I try to remember my Sister and the life she lived and not the way she died too much. It has been 10 years (as of August 6th) since I last saw my sister and I will never forget her as the years continue to pass.

This last Saturday (August 1st) I held my annual fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). Another name I generally use for this organization is Team in Training which is a non- profit supporting research to find a cure for all blood cancers. The Organization also helps patients currently dealing with cancer as well.

I with the help of many friends and family we raised $1000 that day to go towards the LLS efforts to finding a cure! I do all this in the memory of my sister Alexandria. Every time I cross a finish line at each race just before I come in I give a kiss on my hand and throw it to the sky and point upward. The Kiss is for my sister and the point is for God who carries me through each and every race no matter how big or small.

This year is especially hard for me because not only has it been ten years with out my sister. But it will be the year I marry the man I love with out my sister by my side to share in my joy. My eyes just tear up when I think about it but I know she lives in my heart and in the memories of all who knew her. So please join me in celebrating life and live for each day as if it were your last and never let a moment go by with out loving your friends and family.

If you haven't given towards my efforts to find a cure for all blood cancers and still would like to go to my link at :

Thank you for your support for those who have given and those who continue to pray for me and my team as we continue to train for our up coming marathons! I will keep you all updated.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Not ready for Nike Marathon just yet

Gabby and me before the Race

wow! its been way to long since my last blog. Who knew wedding planning, fundraising and working two jobs would take up so much of my time :) But I wouldn't change a thing because every good thing comes from persevering.

Since I began training with Team in Training again this year (TNT) I thought I would be some what ready for this San Francisco half Marathon this weekend. Ah but not so... As my friend and buddy runner Gabby knows I HATE HILLS. The San Francisco Marathon was full of hills non-stop it seemed. Don't get me wrong the sights were beautiful and I loved running across the bridge. But every turn I made there was a hill to climb so the possibility of reaching a new personal record in time completion seemed unreachable.

Gabby and I began the race strong and I knew I was pushing a bit too much to quick. we got to the 6 mile marker and about to turn on to the Golden Gate bridge when I lost sight of Gabby amongst the crowded street on a hill :(. I never saw Gabby again until I finished the race. I knew I would not be able to stick with Gabby the whole race but was a bit sadden to lose her so early in the run.

By mile 12 and one mile to go I looked down at my watch and realized I will not break my personal record of 2hrs and 7 min this race. I slowed my pace down and decided to enjoy the last bit of the race and take as many walk brakes as needed. I finished with a 2 hours and 11mins and was happy with it cause I finished.

Kristy, Gabby, Me Scott just as tired as me

What I learned, enjoy the race more! and keep training. This race was a good reminder a marathon is not an easy task and takes every effort on my part to be ready for it. The over all mission of my marathon in October is to find a cure for all blood cancers and keep the memory of my sister Alex a live every run and race I do.

Until next blog.... oh an if you would still like to donate I need all the help to reach my goal and I am half way there, please go to my web page and donate safe and quick. THANKs!!!


Saturday, June 20, 2009

ugh why am I so slow

Today before meeting up with some people from the Team in Training newbies Gabby and I ran 2 miles. Gabby and I are planning to run the San Francisco half marathon in July and figured we should be running a bit more then what TNT requires. on our 2 mile run we picked up our pace to a 9:30 pace and then slowly progressed to a 8:50pace per mile. Man it was hard, I was breathing heavy and decided to talk as little as possible so I could concentrate. Now mind you a 8:50 pace is quick and pushing it but Gabby and I use to be able to run 8:30 to even an 8min pace at times on our short runs. But I think since (speaking for myself) my last race which was the relay ( see my blog about that) I really had a hard time there. I pushed my self physically and have yet to regain my speed back. Plus I haven't been pushing myself ether.

all in all I have my work cut out for me. My goal for the SF half is to finish of course but also to come in no later then a 2hr and 10 min. but that means I really need to push myself at Tuesday tracks with the team and on my own runs as well. so lets see what happens, I will keep you posted.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Suck it up your in remission

Me before core work out :)

I love my team so much so I can even laugh and joke with my Honoree friends (people in the Team in Training group who have survived cancer or have been diagnosed). Recently during one of our track work outs I had the pleasure of training along side Mike who was on the summer team last year and who I was honored to run half of the Nike marathon with as well.

While we all were on the grass area of the track being tortured or enduring our core work out (upper body training). I along with Mike and some others were complaining about how hard and painful the planks were ( holding yourself up in a push-up position with your elbows and hands on the ground). Mike poked fun at us and himself about how hard this work out was and I said " oh come on your in remission suck it up, you should be glad you can do this" ( in a joking manner I might add) Mike replies with a huge smile " your right I am in remission " . I poke fun with Mike because we are friends and have trained together last summer.

Its little stories like this which make me smile because Mike can do this along with other things. Cancer sucks and I love when people like Mike are able to kick cancer to the curb and live to see another day. My sister Alex did not get a second chance like Mike did but you can give the gift of life by supporting me and my friends with the Leukemia and Lymphoma society today! Thank you to those who have donated and for those of you who would like to donate you still can by going to my website at http://pages.teamintraining.org/sj/nikesf09/vgonzales

Thanks for reading my update and I will keep you posted on how my training and my team is doing as we progress.

Gabby, Mike and Gabby's mentee.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Back to TNT for me this summer!

Aww the sound of an alarm on a Saturday morning. I open my eyes and say to my self " no it cant be true I really don't have to get up or do I?. After I wipe the sleep from my eyes I realize even though its the weekend I still must get up early to meet with other crazy people like me. Why must I get up by 7am or 6am you ask? well to fight cancer that's why!

I love being a mentor you know why? Because I get to encourage new heroes on their journey they are about to take. The journey is completing a half or full marathon and its so rewarding. I love hearing all the worries and the fears about fundraising or running because I once was in their position not knowing what was in store for me. over the next few months not only will I be posting my random stories about me but also of my job as a mentor on the TNT team.

keep a look out for inspiring stories and challenges completed by people who never thought they could accomplish something so great as a full or half marathon. Believe me it can be done!

I am so excited and cant wait for the big milers to come.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Its a Miracle we finished!

Team Camel Toes

8 of our 12 man team at the finish line with our medals and mascot Toe (he's the camel)

The relay race was unforgettable! what begin as just another year of insane running all through the night became a nightmare of runners getting lost and running routes being rerouted.

My brother Jerry and I drove up to Calistoga and I was dropped off with my team . I was assigned to van #2 which is the van that starts their run later in the day since van 2 starts off the race with runners 1-6. Needless to say we had plenty of rest time in the beginning but that is all we get.

The first part of the race went really well no one got lost and runners 1-6 were smoking the other teams we knew of. once my van began we did OK until runner #2 began her leg. Crystal just before we sent her off was joking along with us about getting lost and how its so easy to do. Little did we know we predicted exactly what was about to happen to Crystal. Crystal's route was simple so we thought. but the beginning of Crystal's route was through a trail our van could not follow her on and we had to wait at the end of it to meet up with her on the route. We waited 40minutes for her to finish her first 2 miles but she never came out! so we began to worry and sent the van a head to the exchange in case she passed us and we didn't see her . 20 minutes later we get a call saying van 2 found her and she got lost on the trail. needless to say we were put back in hour in our race. we didn't worry to much since the rest of us had good runs and finished faster then we thought.

After we exchanged with van #2 we left to go and rest before we began our 2nd legs . while we were resting during the middle of the night we received a call about 1:30am that runner #4 is lost and not only that he doesn't have his insulin with him since he is diabetic! yeah can you believe it? diabetic and didn't carry with him his insulin? so 2hours go by and he is finally found after receiving help from other vans and getting drinks and food to help bring up his blood sugar.

We then began to run our legs and were losing hope we would ever finish this race in time before 530pm. we then exchanged with van 1 again and there was word that many of the runners in van 1 wanted to quit. Jesse who is a friend of mine and in my van suggested we begin our legs early before van 1 can exchange with us for the final time. So to pick up time and get in by 530pm and not 9pm as we predicted with the lost time. we all agreed to start early on our last legs and meet up with van 1 at the finish.

During my last leg I had no idea how hard it was going to be. let me just say mile 1 of 6 miles was straight up hill and mile 2 all down hill. its not over yet ! miles 3-6 all up hill and just seemed to continue up forever. people from other teams and passing vans really kept me going. a runner who was running along side of me said to me " you have had enough time to walk and rest now lets go, start running I will even let you pass me" I whined of course and ran as he told me and did pass him for about 5 minutes until he passed me again. other vans would wait for me to pass to give me words of encouragement even if their runners had already passed. My van of course stopped a few times too to give me shouts of praise. once I reached my last .2 of my run which was down hill I screamed at a van that was parked in my way and said " get the hell out of my way, I want this over with, I want to be done, move that van" people looked at me and screamed too at the parked van and the van MOVED! I then handed off to the final runner Wendy and wished her good luck on our teams final leg of this extremely crazy race.

All I have to say is I am sooooo happy to be done and not running right now. whats next for me is Team in Training mentoring and maybe a half marathon in July but I will keep you posted. until next time thanks for your support .

Wendy (team captain),Lester with team mascot Toe, me and Jesse

Friday, May 1, 2009

Pat's Run

me and Gabby waiting to start Hugh and Scott

I know I know a bit late since I am running in a relay race this weekend and will probably be late with that update as well. anyways I ran in the recent Pat's run on April 25th along with my love Scott and Gabby with her hubby. we started out the race all together but it didn't take us long to lose each other. me and Gabby of course took off and I tried to stay with in eye shot of Scott but failed. While me and Gabby ran we got to see some awesome people such as a fire dept. running together and shouting songs to keep each other motivated.

As for Scott he ran with Gabby's hubby for about a mile and then left him when Hugh (Gabby's husband) couldn't run anymore due to his foot hurting. Once me and Gabby finished our race we told each other we could so run more! we waited at the finish line for our guys and cheered when we saw Scott run in! I was so proud of Scott knowing he had a soccer game the night before this run would really be hard for him.

All in all we had a good time and ran for a good cause !

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Relay here I come... well almost

Alright its been a while since my lost post but what can I say I am planning a wedding you know :)

So as far as the training is going I am doing well for preparing for a relay this May 2nd which is in about three weeks. I have hills I will be running on during this relay but am I preparing for those hills? NO why am I not preapring for those hills? cause I Hate hills! Just the other day my running buddy Gabby tells me as we are running up a baby hill and says to me " oh Victoria we need to get you to train on more hills so you can move quicker up them" my answer " yeah I know I really should but do I? no unless I have someone to push me" I know Gabby will push me to train on hills as we get closer to the TNT season, oh joy.

As for the wedding planning we are checking off our list and getting stuff done. I am so proud of me and Scott we are working as a team and making room for what really counts " what we want and not what everyone else thinks we want" hmm go figure people hear you are getting married and you think they were when they start talking about what we should do. ah well in the end it will be beautiful and me and Scott will tie the knot!

until next time .... I will update you all as the season goes on

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Im Engaged

It all happen president's Day weekend and this is how the story goes...

Scott and I went to South Lake Tahoe and a friend of Scott's named Lisa was able to get us a room where they were staying for a good price. So we stayed the weekend in a timeshare at StarDust Lodge. After we arrived and unloaded the car we were going to relax and sit back. I was lying on the bed and Scott was sitting on the floor. Scott started playing with my ring that my mother gave me. I hate it when he teases me like that because he would place the ring on my left hand and pretend to ask me to marry him . At first I wouldn't let him play with my ring, but I finally gave in not even thinking of getting an engagement ring I thought he would just tease me again. But this time, he took out the engagement ring and slipped it onto my finger. my eyes lit up in surprise that it was actually the real engagement ring. He told me, "there you go." and I looked at him and said, "you have to ask me!"and he asked me"Will you marry me?"And I said "YES."

After Scott asked me I asked him "how do you feel?" and he said relieved now the stress of asking is over" my reply was " oh it has just begun, now we have a wedding to plan!"

The best part about this weekend is my closes friends were in Tahoe too and I was able to share with them first the great news. It was a great weekend to get engaged and share it with my friends who will even be in the wedding!

I am so excited for what is a head of us and can't wait to walk down the aile and become Scott's wife.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My fastest 1/2 marathon time!

wow! even with a little voice and recovering from a cold I beat my last years time by 7 minutes! Last year I ran the Kasier 1/2 marathon in 2hr :14min but this year I came in at 2hr :7 min! I ran the whole way and watched my speed and made sure I didn't push myself until I saw the finish line.

During the whole race I kept thinking " am I really doing this? can I really run this whole thing with out a walk break? I think I can, I know I can, I have trained myself to do this very event." I saw my past coaches and teammates along the route such as captain Steve, Mike at the end of the race and Simone toward the finish. Best of all I had two great people cheering me on at the beginning, middle and end of my race and those two people were Gabby ( a person I mentored in the summer who is awesome) and of course my man Scott. what a team! I saw them at mile 6 I believe and they were so proud to see me making great time and I nearly fell at the excitement when I saw them and thought I hurt my ankle in the process. I ended up tripping on a small pot hole but didn't hurt myself too bad and managed to keep a good pace.

I felt so good to have run in at 2hr:07 minutes and was so excited to share that moment with my friend and my love Scott. Many have asked what the next race is and I am not sure yet but I think it will be a relay race in early May. Anyone want to join me?

Gabby is in the red coat, the picture of the crowd see if you can spot me, the last picture is of me finally sitting down after the race.

Monday, January 19, 2009

My final long run before Kaiser Race

Well I ran 13.1 miles to see where I am at and how I want to run the kaiser race. I ran a 6:1 ratio with this long run and had a good run and pretty good time but not the best I came in at 2hr and 14min. While on the trail I ran into an old running buddie and asked how she was doing and found out she is training for a 20 mile race in Big Basin, and I think to myself "um do I want to run that? Nah! why I like my half marathon runs". I wished her luck and said we should run together on our long runs. will see if we do or not.

on to the rest of the run today and enjoyed it with the sun shinning and a cool breeze blowing, it was great and its winter! I know we need rain but I love the weather when its warm. I finished my run and enjoyed a long bath to help my sore legs. alright that's it for now and I will up date you all when I finish my Kaiser 1/2 marathon come Feb 1st! yeah I love the challenge and the sight of other runners with race bibs on its the best!

Friday, January 2, 2009

No Napa Marathon and im ok with that.

Well after talking with my running buddy Gabby who informed me she can't run due to a knee injury I have made the decision not to run the marathon in Napa. I really was planning to run the Napa marathon because Gabby and I said we would run it together. Since she is not running I don't want to train as hard as I am to run a marathon with out a team support or friends along my side. I will how ever run the Kaiser Half marathon as I did last year and hope to beat my time of 2hours and 17 min.

There are many other races and things I want to do with my time and right now if I don't have a partner to push me to train for a full marathon I am not gonna do it. so I will look forward to the smaller mileage and enjoy the ride along the way as I love to do.